Level 1, 171 Sydney Road
Brunswick VIC 3058
m. 0401 585 484
f. 9923 6413
ABN 56 928 151 256
Melanie Quinn

Supervision, Training and Consultancy
I am a Psychology Board of Australia registered supervisor and offer individual supervision or group supervision and reflective practice programs.
Practitioners working with mental health challenges are vulnerable to vicarious traumatisation. Supervision provides a containing and holding environment to promote understanding of challenging behaviours among those they work with, make links to theory, explore the impact of the work on oneself, and think reflectively about responding therapeutically and using evidence-based interventions.
Areas of consultation interest include attachment, perinatal mental health, women's health, single incident, complex and developmental trauma, trauma-informed care and well-being.
I also deliver training to organisations including community services, kindergartens and schools in the following areas:
Trauma Informed Practice
Understanding Trauma Based Behaviours
Incorporating Sensory Motor Interventions into Therapeutic Practice
Preventing Vicarious Trauma for Professionals